Crystal Healing Properties

Clear Quartz

Programmability, Master Manifestation stone, Amplification of one's intentions.

Element : Storm 

Chakras : All

Clear quartz encourages clarity on all levels. Enhances communication of guides and amplifies psychic abilities. Clear Quartz can opens all chakras and energy pathways in the body. 


Element : Fire

Chakra : Root & Solar Plexus

This beautiful crystal helps us manifest abundance into our lives. Citrine is a powerful cleanser and regenerator carrying the power of the sun within. It transmutes, and dissipates negative energy and is an aura protector.


Cool & Soothing Energy

Element : Water

Chakra : Throat, Heart

" Be like water my friend" 

This calm and cooling luminouse blue gem activates our throat chakra assisting in clear communications of our highest truth and promoting self expression. Aquamarine reduces stress and quiets the mind, harmonizing it's surroundings. 

Affirmation : I embody the yielding, cooling power of water, and I express my truth with calming certainty. 


Divine love, emotional healing, & activation of the heart's knowing ♡︎

Element : Water

Chakra : Heart 

This beautiful lilac stone opens the heart to energies of love. It awakens the heart center and unconditional love. Kunzite is an extremely high vibrational stone radiating in peace connecting us to unniversal love. Kunzite is also a highly protective stone that shields the aura fron unwanted energies. 

Affirmation : I open to receive Divine Love, and listen to its silent voice in my heart ♡︎



Protection, purification, Divine Connection, release of addictions. 

Element : wind 

Chakra : Third Eye, Crown, Etheric

Amethyst is in the quartz family. Highly powerful and protective stone wit high spiritual vibration. Transmutes energy into love and its serenity enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation. Amethyst is beneficial to the mind, calming and stimulating. 

Affirmation : I am purified, uplifted, and protected through my connection with the Divine.